Aerial Teacher Trainings
Where to start and where to grow as an aerial teacher.
Nimble Arts Teacher Trainings are the longest running comprehensive workshop series for aerial teachers in the United States. We opened up the field with our first workshop in 2002 before anyone else was offering any way for coaches to learn. We are grateful that many people are now putting effort into the work of being effective and safe aerial coaches. Our workshops are acknowledged by circus schools and insurance companies worldwide for the expertise and deep understanding we inspire in our trainees.
Our multi level program guides participants to become safe and capable aerial arts teachers for both the hearts and bodies of their students. What sets our program apart from others is the focus we place on understanding how the human body moves and gaining skills to adapt the movement or adapt the body to the skill for maximum success.
Lots of time is spent on spotting techniques to keep students and coaches safer with hands on practice at every level as well as content that includes basic rigging practice, learning styles, classroom management, and creativity ideas. Elsie & Serenity bring unique knowledge from years as elite level aerialists as well as practitioners who began 'late' in life and had to really learn, not just 'do'. They understand the need for layered coaching that seeks to teach 'smart bodies' not just 'tricks' and bring together modalities from pilates, physical therapy, gyrotonics, circus, dance, gymnastics, fitness and agility training to offer a program designed for aerial teachers who want to know more about how the body 'works'. With this knowledge, trainees can be smarter about how to modify for children, people with different abilities, recreational enthusiasts, as well as aspiring professionals.
Trainees begin with the workshop Introduction to Teaching Aerials, then progress through Foundation, Intermediate and Master level trainings with concentrations on trapeze, aerial fabric, lyra, sling, rope, duo trapeze, etc.
Current Workshops:
February 21 - 23 Brattleboro, Vermont (USA) Leveling up Aerial Teachers' Symposium (LATS): Hosted at NECCA
June 8 - 12 Portland, Oregon (USA). Introduction to Teaching Aerials: Hosted at AWOL Dance